Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties
Chapter II Practice Test - FREE
Chapter II Practice Test - FREE
1. Who collect taxes to pay for services?
State and territory governments and local councils State and territory governments State governments 2. What is the 'rule of law'?
That no person or group is below the law That Australian people enforce the law That no person or group is above the law 3. Australians also have supports through government social security in times of need.
True False 4. Who do Australian citizens vote for in an election?
They vote for the Prime Minister They vote for the Governor General They vote for the people they want to represent them in parliament 5. Why Australia government encourage people to participate in society?
To have a position later in Australia Public Service To increase your sense of belonging to the Australia community, share knowledge and learn new skills To have something to do while you find work 6. How should new migrants become a leader in business, the arts, public service and sport in Australia?
Through their wealth or background Through their wealth or class distinctions Through their hard work and talents 7. Why Australian people have democratic beliefs?
To shape Australia country and culture To discourage people coming to Australia To encourage a certain group of people to become Australian 8. Which of these statements about Australian democratic society is incorrect?
Australians are all free to follow and share their beliefs and traditions as long as they do not break Australian laws Australians should treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of their differences Australians are all free to follow and share their beliefs and traditions even they do break Australian laws 9. Australians do not believe in a fair society, where everyone deserves a 'fair go'.
True False 10. Which of these statements about Australian citizen privilege is correct?
Apply to work for a private corporation in Australia Apply to join the Australian Public Service and work for the Australian Government Apply to study in Australia universities 11. Any Australian who is on the electoral roll may not be called to serve on a jury.
True False 12. Australians are free to not follow a religion or beliefs.
True False 13. Which of these statements about the Australian Taxation Office is incorrect?
Tax is collected by the Australian Taxation Office only from businesses Tax is collected by the Australian Taxation Office The ATO works to ensure all citizensare aware of their tax rights and obligations to pay the correct amount of tax 14. What happens to the people do not obey Australia's laws?
They may be arrested by the police and have to go to prison They may be arrested by the court and have to go to police They may be arrested by the police and have to go to court 15. Which of these statements about religion in Australia is correct?
People in Australia are free to follow any religion they choose, even its practices do break Australian laws People in Australia must follow a religion, as long as its practices do not break Australian laws People in Australia are free to follow any religion they choose, as long as its practices do not break Australian laws 16. Who must obey Australia's laws?
Everyone must obey Australia's laws The police must obey Australia's laws The representatives in parliament must obey Australia's laws 17. Australians are free to follow any religion or beliefs.
True False 18. Which of these statements about Australia's laws is correct?
It is the law to discriminate against a person because of their gender Men and women are not protected by the law from intimidation or violence Men and women are treated equally in courts of law 19. What is freedom of expression allows?
It allows people to express their views through art, film, music and writing It allows people to express their views through discussion, film, music and literature It allows people to express their views through art, film, music and literature 20. Which of these is not a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?
Must obey the laws To vote in elections To seek election to parliament
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