Australian Citizenship Test by Goobid

Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties
Chapter II Practice Test - FREE

1. Which of these statements about Australian beliefs is correct?
  • We believe in peace, respect, loyalty and equality
  • We believe in peace, respect, domination and equality
  • We believe in peace, respect, freedom and equality
  • 2. People who hold positions of power in the Australian community do not have to obey Australia's laws
  • True
  • False
  • 3. Any Australian who is on the electoral roll may not be called to serve on a jury.
  • True
  • False
  • 4. Which of these is a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?
  • To attend local council meetings
  • To vote in elections
  • To have a curent Australian passport
  • 5. Which of these is not an example of equality in Australia?
  • Everyone deserves a 'fair go'
  • Men and women have the same rights
  • Everyone belongs to the same political party
  • 6. What is an important part of being Australian?
  • Respecting other people's differences and being yourself
  • Respecting indigenous people's differences and choices
  • Respecting other people's differences and choices
  • 7. Which of these statements about the Australian Taxation Office is incorrect?
  • Tax is collected by the Australian Taxation Office only from businesses
  • Tax is collected by the Australian Taxation Office
  • The ATO works to ensure all citizensare aware of their tax rights and obligations to pay the correct amount of tax
  • 8. Which of these statements about Australian citizen privilege is correct?
  • Apply to work for a private corporation in Australia
  • Apply to join the Australian Public Service and work for the Australian Government
  • Apply to study in Australia universities
  • 9. What is ATO stand for in Australia?
  • Approved Training Organization
  • Air Traffic Organization
  • Australian Taxation Office
  • 10. What is the 'rule of law'?
  • That no person or group is below the law
  • That Australian people enforce the law
  • That no person or group is above the law
  • 11. Which of these statements about passports is correct?
  • Australian citizens can apply for an Australian passport
  • Permanent residents can hold an Australian passport
  • Australian citizens need a passport and visa to return to Australia
  • 12. Which of these is not a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?
  • Must obey the laws
  • To vote in elections
  • To seek election to parliament
  • 13. We do not have to respect other people's freedom of speech or freedom of expression when their views are different.
  • True
  • False
  • 14. In Australia, we are free to say and write what we think on any topic but we cannot harm others.
  • True
  • False
  • 15. Can Australian citizens have children born overseas?
  • Yes, they can have children born overseas
  • No, they can not have children born overseas
  • No, they can only have children born in Australia
  • 16. What is Australia heritage religion?
  • Protestant
  • Catholic
  • Judaeo-Christian
  • 17. Who can work for Australian Public Service and the Australian Defence Force?
  • Anyone including overseas people
  • All people in Australia
  • All Australian citizens
  • 18. Who collect taxes to pay for services?
  • State and territory governments and local councils
  • State and territory governments
  • State governments
  • 19. All Australians including government leaders and organisation leaders are equal under the law
  • True
  • False
  • 20. Australian people have different opportunities and freedoms depending where they come from.
  • True
  • False

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