Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties
Chapter II Practice Test - FREE
Chapter II Practice Test - FREE
1. What help can you receive from an Australian official while overseas?
Emergencies such as civil unrest and natural disasaters Emergency passports and provide advice and support in the case of an accident, serious illness or death All the above 2. Australians also have supports through government social security in times of need.
True False 3. Can Australian citizens have children born overseas?
Yes, they can have children born overseas No, they can not have children born overseas No, they can only have children born in Australia 4. How should new migrants become a leader in business, the arts, public service and sport in Australia?
Through their wealth or background Through their wealth or class distinctions Through their hard work and talents 5. Which of these statements about the Australian Taxation Office is incorrect?
Tax is collected by the Australian Taxation Office only from businesses Tax is collected by the Australian Taxation Office The ATO works to ensure all citizensare aware of their tax rights and obligations to pay the correct amount of tax 6. What is ATO stand for in Australia?
Approved Training Organization Air Traffic Organization Australian Taxation Office 7. Do children born overseas of parent Australian citizen have any Australian rights?
The have the same rights and responsibilities as children born in that country only They do not have the same rights and responsibilities as children born in Australia because they are born overseas can not be register as Australian citizens They have the same rights and responsibilities as children born in Australia when they register as Australian citizens by descent 8. What system of government in Australia?
Capitalist Communist Democracy 9. What must Australian citizens do when they are in another country?
Obey the laws of that country Register your staying with the Australian embassy Obey the laws of Australia only 10. How should change occur in Australia?
Through discussion, peaceful persuasion and the democratic process Through discussion, forceful persuasion and the democratic process Through discussion, violence persuasion and the democratic process 11. Who collects tax in Australia?
The Australian Revenue Office The Australian Taxation Commission The Australian Taxation Office 12. Who has the power to make and change the laws that govern the Australia country?
Only the citizen of Australia Only the parliament Only the Prime Minister 13. Who should be committed to joining together to defend the nation and its way of life should the need arise?
All Australian soldiers All people in Australia All Australian citizens 14. Who has the responsibility to serve on a jury in Australia?
All Australian citizens All people in parliament All Australian citizens aged 18 years or over 15. Which of these statements about Australian democratic society is incorrect?
Australians are all free to follow and share their beliefs and traditions as long as they do not break Australian laws Australians should treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of their differences Australians are all free to follow and share their beliefs and traditions even they do break Australian laws 16. In Australia, we are free to say and write what we think on any topic but we cannot harm others.
True False 17. How can Australian citizens have their say in how the country is governed?
By going to council meeting By protesting By voting 18. Why Australian people have democratic beliefs?
To shape Australia country and culture To discourage people coming to Australia To encourage a certain group of people to become Australian 19. Which of these statements about religion in Australia is correct?
People in Australia are free to follow any religion they choose, even its practices do break Australian laws People in Australia must follow a religion, as long as its practices do not break Australian laws People in Australia are free to follow any religion they choose, as long as its practices do not break Australian laws 20. Which of these statements about Australia Laws is correct?
We cannot make false allegations, encourage others to break the law or damage another person's reputation We cannot make other people hate or act violently towards others because of their culture, ethnicity or background All the above
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